Cannot Forget


I remember her lips
as red as war-
as plump as gluttony-

I remember her voice
the seductive slur of words,
woven in desirable agony

I remember her fingers
how they demanded goosebumps wherever they danced
the pink trail of her nail,
her redefining of romance

I remember her eyes
as boundless as her imagination-
as volatile as her heart-

I remember her skin
as pale as it was brazen-
as perfect as it was flawed-

true love emerging like a pendulum from the dark

I remember it all.

The taste of her hope- her destruction- her faith- her doubt,
the look of despair upon her face when, in the complexity of her contradictions,  she began to drown.

She knew heavenly greatness beyond the cliches and the clouds.
She knew sinful temptations as if, to it, she had been forever bound.

She had angelic eyes to pair with her devilish grin.
What she offered was an eternity of unbearable bliss,
the love of a woman so heavenly as sin

Copyright of Copiousveracity

It was not with arrogance that I wrote this poem. It was with hope.